Breaking Generational Chains of Diet Culture with Amy Connell

Aug 06, 2024

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show Kasey Shuler talks with Amy Connell about breaking the generational chains of diet culture with our children. Amy is a weight-neutral personal trainer and nutrition coach Author of two books and Podcast host of Graced Health for women over 40 and Lessons to My Teenage Self for young women. Amy is also a mom to 3. In this episode she shares from her personal experience as a mom and from her professional experience working with countless women to heal from diet culture.

In This Episode We Discuss:

  1. The biggest challenge Christian moms face when it comes to raising the next generation to be free from diet culture
  2. The 4 stages of parenting and how we can support our children in each stage
  3. How to repair damage caused by words and attitudes we now regret

We pray this episode blesses you no matter what season of parenthood you’re in. Whether you’re a yet-to-be parent, a new parent, a teen parent or a grandparent, it’s never too late in Christ to break generational chains of diet culture.

As Exodus 20:6 promises, we know that God will show his steadfast love to thousands of generations of those who love Him and keep His commandments. 

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Key Takeaways

  1. The way we talk about our bodies in front of our kids is important,
  2. And we can be really good at repair, admitting how our old views were wrong and acknowledging to our families our desire to do things differently
  3. When we describe movement as meeting a healthy need and demonstrate how to rest we train our children to have a healthy relationship with these things as adults

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Connect with Amy:

Amy Connell - NASM Ceritified Personal Trainer and Certified Nutirition Coach, Author of two books and Podcast host of Graced Health for women over 40 and Lessons to My Teenage Self for young women

Amy Connell is a weight-neutral certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. She helps women feel and function well in simple and grace-filled ways so they can fulfill their purpose. Amy serves faith-based women and teens through her books and podcasts. She and her husband have two college-aged son and one who is a senior in high school, and a stray-turned princess pit bull named Grace.

You Can Find More From Amy At:


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Your Core Strength by Amy Connell

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