The Joyful Health Show

Hosted by: Kasey Shuler

Cut through the weeds of wellness rules and learn to trust God's good design for your body. Discover joyful health by grace: intuitive eating, joyful movement, embodiment and mental well-being for Christians.

If you feel distracted by all the wellness advice out there, drained from trying to do it all, and discouraged when you feel further from health than where you started, we see you.

As a personal trainer and fitness instructor with over 15 years of experience, I’ve been there myself personally and professionally. Now, I’m on a mission to help you cultivate rhythms for your health that are no longer stressful, but joyful.

Each episode I’ll interview intuitive health professionals and Christian leaders to answer your biggest questions about joyful health. We will talk research and practical application while exposing the lies you might be believing and point you back to Jesus.

This podcast will help you learn to rest in God's grace as you follow the Joy of the Lord for your health. Welcome, we're so happy you're here.

“I am so excited about this podcast. Just listening to the introduction and Aubrey and Kasey's stories, I could feel my shoulders and body relax!”

—Teresa Walters

Recent Episodes

“If you’re a Christian woman looking for an encouraging place to hear about food and body issues in a grace-oriented way, this is the show for you!

— Stefanie Reinold, MD, MPH, Psychiatrist

What would you like us to answer on the podcast?

Would you like to be on the show? Fill out the guest application here.

“If you’re wondering what food and body obsession have to do with Christianity, this podcast will show you the deep connection between the two.”

— Emily Fonnesbeck, RD

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Here’s how to do this on iTunes:

  1. Open this link and click “Listen on Apple Podcasts.”

  2. Scroll all the way down to “Ratings and Reviews”

  3. Click on “Write a Review”

by grace,