Episode 64: What is Diet Culture and Why is it Harmful?

Season #5

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show we answer a listener’s question: “what is diet culture and why is it harmful?” We explore definitions of diet culture and the effects it has on our health and wellbeing according to research along with personal and professional experiences. We look at diet culture through the lens of scripture, with a special focus on the truths found in John 10:10 and 2 Corinthians 8:9.

We discuss: 

  1. The definition of diet culture and its physical and spiritual effects.
  2. Practical steps to start letting go of diet culture
  3. How the gospel turns diet culture on its head

We pray this episode awakens you to the abundance of God’s love for you and equips you to live into it!

"For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich." 2 Corin 8:9 

👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.
☀️Start your week with Mindful Moments for Present People: A free 1-minute devotional to debunk diet culture and savor God's abundance delivered to your inbox every Monday.
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✅Want professional 1:1 non-diet support? Meet with one of our dietitians or joyful movement trainers here.
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