Episode 65: The Power of Healing Prayer for the Believer with Kassandra Baker

Season #5

In this episode we delve into the topic of healing prayer, what it is, how it helps, and where to start. Our guest Kassandra Baker shares from her personal experience healing from two eating disorders and discovering healing prayer in the process.  As a Certified Health, Life, and Mental Health Coach and Public Speaker, she helps other women on their own healing journey, and is also able to share from her experience facilitating healing prayer with her clients.

In this episode we discuss:

  1. Two different types of healing prayer, safe place prayer and formational prayer

  2. Neurological effects of formational prayer

  3. Biblical support for healing prayer

We pray this encourages you to explore healing prayer for yourself and share it with others!

“Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence so that we may find mercy and grace in our time of needHebrews 4:16

👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.
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