Episode 68: What Your Body Says About Who God Is

Season #5

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show, Kasey challenges the mainstream perspective of judging our body based on appearance. Together, we will look at the majesty of God’s the human body, and talk about ways in which it can help us know God’s character better. Romans 1:20 points to creation as a beautiful witness to who God is: “For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse” We pray this episode allows you to give thanks for the creation of your body and to see God’s goodness more clearly.

3 Questions to Ask:

1. Do I judge my body for how it looks, or praise God for how it works?

2. How does my body's function reflect God's care for me?

3. How can my body be a reflection of God's love for others?

Thank you for listening! May these words help you love God more fully in the body He has given you today.

👉🏽  Head here for all of today's show notes including Scriptures, social images, and resources mentioned.
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