Joyful Health Co™ Store

Let Us Help You Heal Your Relationship with Food and Exercise

Whether you're just dipping your toes in with a devotional, need support as a client, or are ready to be trained as a Non-Diet Christian Advocate, we want to support you with everything you need on your journey to leave the dieting mindset and enjoy God in your body today. 

Annual Membership

$97 / year

Most Popular

  • Daily Devotions
  • Body Blessings Course
  • Aligned Course
  • 12-Week Joyful Health Course

1:1 Support


Best for Accelerated Growth

  • 1:1 intensives bi-monthly (first session is 1.5 hours, follow-ups are 45-minute calls) with homework for continued growth

  • Access to the Joyful Health Course

  • Daily devotionals sent to your inbox

  • Weekly action item accountability via Voxer or Marco Polo

Start Today

Non-Diet Christian Academy


Best for Christian Leaders

  • Community chat
  • 3 months of teaching
  • Bi-monthly practicum calls
  • 9 months of office hours
  • 6 months of personal mentoring
  • Certification
  • Continuing education
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