Practical Ways to Pursue Nourishment without Obsession by Grace

Diet culture subversively teaches us to focus on micronutrients, calories, elusive superfoods, perfect portions. While caring about our nutrition is good, if we hyperfocus on these small details while missing out on the big picture of nutrition, we inevitably miss the mark. Similarly, Jesus scolded the Pharisees for tithing down to the herb leaf, all the while they missed out on God’s big picture for giving: “What sorrow awaits you teachers of religious law and you Pharisees. Hypocrites! For you are careful to tithe even the tiniest income from your herb gardens, but you ignore the more important aspects of the law—justice, mercy, and faith. You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things” (Matthew 23:23). If you feel like you're lost in the weeds when it comes to nutrition, or have swung the other way on the intuitive eating pendulum and crave a bit more healthy structure, this episode is for you. 

We interview registered dietitian Alyssa Pike about how to pursue nutrition without obsession, powered by grace. Alyssa specializes in helping people let go of the food rules that are life-taking and begin to reconstruct their habits from a healthy, evidence-based foundation of eating that gives life abundantly. Since Alyssa also works for a science organization that helps clarify the most ground-breaking studies in the nutrition field for the general public, she is an expert on how to spot misinformation and what to look for instead.  

If you need to be centered on what makes the biggest impact when it comes to eating for health, longevity, and balance in your life, this episode is for you. You’ll learn what to be aware of to prevent obsession, the foundational eating patterns to get in place first, and how to get started today. Listen to the full episode here: Episode 28: Practical Ways to Pursue Nourishment without Obsession by Grace

How to Nourish Without Obsession

In episode 28 of The Joyful Health Show, we discuss how to nourish yourself without obsession. Diet culture pushes rules, while many crave more structure and guidance with intuitive eating. In this episode, registered dietitian Alyssa Pike pulls back the curtain on unhealthy nutrition advice in the media, lays the ground rules for basic eating principles, important practices we overlook, and simple next steps. We discuss:

  • Top red flags for nutrient obsession and internet misinformation 

  • Five basic food tenets to focus on and the most important habit we overlook

  • Four steps you can take to start honoring God and nourishing your body without obsession

About Alyssa Pike, RD

Alyssa Pike, RD

 Alyssa Pike is Registered Dietitian who cares deeply about helping people feel less chaotic around food so they can pursue the more important things in their lives. She completed her Bachelors of Science in Nutrition at Pennsylvania State University and dietetic internship with an emphasis in Nutrition Informatics through the University of Maryland. In addition to managing Gratefully Nourished, a blog and private practice meant to help people honor their health without obsession, Alyssa works for a science communications organization, translating nutrition science to improve public understanding.

Podcast: // @gratefully_nourished

Don’t Miss Our Foundational Health Course by Grace

If you’ve been trying to get healthy on your own but need some more help, we’d love for you to join us in our Joyful Health Course. We created this course so you could walk away from restrictive diets to fully enjoy who God created you. You’ll be learning alongside a group of like-minded people in need of God’s grace when it comes to our health. You will have the opportunity to sync up with a partner, and attend group coaching calls once a month where we can encourage each other and you can ask your questions from our resident dietitians and joyful movement trainers.  

This course is now available year-round to help you on your journey, wherever you are! Learn more here and get started TODAY! 

Takeaways From Today’s Episode

Looking for the resources we mentioned in this episode? We’ve listed them all below! (The following resources include affiliate links. Thank you for supporting us in this way!)

Did something you heard today hit home? Save these images to your phone as a reminder, or share the episode with friends on social media. Make sure to tag @joyfulhealthco, so we can share your joy!


All Foods Are Clean


How to Find and Get Connected to a Healthy Church Community