Testing, Not Guessing: When to Go Deeper with Intuitive Health by Grace, featuring Functional Bloodwork Specialist Lacy Lain

Do you feel like you do all the right things for your health, but still don’t have the answers?

If you’ve ever done rigorous elimination diets, followed a strict regimen of health but you still didn’t move the needle on feeling better for your life, this episode is for you.

While we firmly believe you need a solid grasp on how to listen to your own body’s cues, no matter how body-aware we are, we might be missing important information lying under the surface.

The best way to go deeper with your health and make sure you’re on the right track is to get regular bloodwork to check on deeper health indicators.

That’s why we are excited to share this conversation with Lacy Lain, functional bloodwork specialist on how she entered into this field, and what you need to know if you’re considering getting other bloodwork done.

Lacy knows what it’s like to have her bloodwork come back as “normal,” and yet she felt anything but normal for her health.

If you, too, want more answers for your health and have been considering seeing a bloodwork specialist, Lacy shares her testimony and gives us some practical advice on how to move forward in faith.

About Lacy Lain, FMCHC (Functional Blood Work Specialist)

Lacy Lain is a follower of Jesus, wife to a worship pastor and 2-time cancer survivor, and mom to 3. She is a Functional Blood Work Specialist and expert in hormone and thyroid health, who has battled her own hormone issues. Her mission is to help women all over have access to true Functional Medicine. She is happy to stand on the front lines of the Functional Medicine revolution that is more needed in our culture than ever.

You can find Lacy here:

When to Go Beyond the Body Cues and Get the Bloodwork Done

In this episode of the Joyful Health Show, we interview functional bloodwork specialist Lacy Lain on her remarkable personal story of resilience, from a husband's leukemia diagnosis to her own health challenges. Learn how faith, research, and God's intervention led her to discover the importance of labwork, nutrition, and holistic health. If you need more answers on your intuitive health journey, we hope this episode helps you learn another layer of navigating co-occurring health issues as you rest in God's provision. 


  1. Testing, Not Guessing: When uncertainty takes over, know the value of data-driven health decisions and how they can transform your well-being.

  2. Order in Chaos: Explore the biblical perspective on how our bodies reflect God's design and how restoring order can bring healing.

  3. One Step at a Time: Lacy offers valuable advice on implementing faith-based wellness practices in your life, including seeking professional guidance and understanding optimal health ranges.

Join us for an inspiring conversation that will empower you to embrace a healthier, more fulfilling life guided by grace and wisdom. It's time to let go of the past and step into the abundant future God has planned for you.

How to Find a Functional Bloodwork Specialist You Can Trust

In the functional medicine world, it seems like there is a protocol for everything. However, a protocol, like a formula, cannot always be applied to each person’s case.

If you want to work with a functional bloodwork specialist and want some parameters of what to look for, Lacy gives this advice: find someone that is not simply selling a protocol but is actually looking at your labs to look for a solution fit for you.

Have You Taken our Body Blessings Course Yet?

Do you want to become empowered in your body to know what you need and praise God for His provision?

While Lacy is proficient in bloodwork analysis, you need to be proficient in learning your own body’s language as well so you can listen for warning signs and take care of your body on a moment-to-moment basis talks. We know this requires having a peaceful relationship with your body, and we believe that starts with God.

If you want to start tuning in to how you were made to move, our Body Blessings Course will walk you through intuitive health tracking pages, prayer journaling, and more exercises to move you from being preoccupied with culture’s impossible standards and leaning into your own God-given body.

If you can answer "yes and amen" to the following, then we think this course would be a great fit:

  • Get unstuck with a body image centered prayer practice

  • Integrate emotions and sensations into a healthy body image with printable guides

  • Discover intuitive eating and movement patterns and respond with kindness

  • Uncover how to fully enjoy God in your right now body

  • Move from preoccupation with self to worship and praise

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Managing Diabetes from a Place of Grace with Ellie Butler, RN


Finding Freedom in Faith and Fitness: A Journey of Wellness and Worship with Shaela Daugherty